A History of Egypt - TOME 1-2-4-5 (manque volumes 3 6 et 7) - I....

250,00 €

A History of Egypt - TOME 1-2-4-5 (manque volumes 3 6 et 7) - I. From the earliest times to the XVIth Dynasty + II. The XVIIth and XVIIIth dynasties + IV. The Ptolemaic dynasty + V. Under roman rule
Flinders Petrie Mahaffy J.P. Milne J.G
Methuen. Sans date
in12. Relié
4 volume(s)
Bon Etat de conservation couvertures défraîchies bords un peu frottés tranches ternies + rousseurs intérieurs propres


A History of Egypt - TOME 1-2-4-5 (manque volumes 3 6 et 7): I. From the earliest times to the XVIth Dynasty; 1899 + II. The XVIIth and XVIIIth dynasties; 1899 + IV. The Ptolemaic dynasty; 1899 + V. Under roman rule; 1898 // iconographie en noir et blanc